Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre un set de culori acrilice pentru pictura pe unghii.
Culorile acrilice sunt foarte utile pentru cele care lucreaza in domeniul acesta sau doar au o pasiune pentru manichiura, asa ca mine :D Spun ca sunt utile pentru ca sunt pe baza de apa, de obicei, se lucreaza modele cu ele mai usor decat cu oja si se usuca repede astfel ca stratul de top coat poate fi aplicat la 5 minute dupa model.
Culorile acrilice vin in mai multe prezentari: in borcanase, in tuburi ca si acuarelele, in diverse cantitati si culori.
Cele pe care vreau sa vi le arat se prezinta in tuburi de cate 9 ml, 12 culori in set si le-am primit de pe
bornprettystore.com. Mie mi se par foarte bune, sunt foarte cremoase, nu mai e nevoie de apa ca sa le pot folosi. Eu le-am incercat deja la niste floricele, am incercat un one-stroke dar mai am mult de exersat la aceasta tehnica. Rezultatul il veti vedea in postarea urmatoare, care va fi cu manichiura pe care o port acum.
Cei de la
bornprettystore, probabil Kevin (eu cu el am vorbit pe e-mail), au fost foarte draguti sa-mi trimita si o mica surpriza pe langa setul de culori acrilice: 2 palete pentru culori, unde le amestec si ma joc cu ele cum vreau, si 2 pensule pentru nail art, nr. 1. Sunt foarte subtiri si nu aveam acest model. Au venit la fix, pentru ca tocmai vroiam sa-mi ciopartesc o pensula ca sa o fac foarte subtire :))
Va doresc un weekend minunat!
Today I want to talk to you about an acrylic colors set for nail art.
Acrylic colors are very useful for those of you who work in this domain or they just have a passion for nail art, just like me :) I am saying they are useful because they are, usually, based on water, it’s easier to make nail designs with acrylic colors than with nail polish and they dry really fast, we can apply the top coat in 5 minutes after we made the design.
Acrylic colors come in different types: in small jars, in tubes like the watercolors, in different quantities and colors.
The acrylic colors I want to show you came in 9 ml tubes, 12 colors per set and I received them from bornprettystore.com. I think they are very good, they are very creamy, I don’t need to mix them with water before using them. I already made some flowers with them, I tried one-stroke flowers but I have soooo much to practice with this technique. You will see the result in my next blog post, which will be with the manicure I am wearing these days.
The people from bornprettystore.com, probably Kevin (he’s the one I am talking through e-mails), were so nice to send me a little surprise with the acrylic colors set: two nail art pallets where I can mix my acrylic colors and two no.1 nail art brushes. They are very thin and I didn’t have this kind of brush. They came just in time because I wanted to cut some bristles from a nail art brush to make it very thin :))
I wish you to have a wonderful weekend!