
Am primit un premiu! / I've been tagged!

E o onoare pentru mine sa va anunt ca am primit premiul Best Blog Award!

Acest premiu mi-a fost acordat de 2 ori, l-am primit de la Liana si de la Mayra.

Va multumesc din suflet fetelor!

Regulile acestui premiu sunt:

1. Pentru a accepta acest premiu, trebuie postat pe blog, alaturi de numele persoanei care ti l-a acordat si de linkul catre blogul ei.
2. Ofera, la randul tau, acest premiu unui numar de 10-15 bloguri pe care le-ai descoperit recent si care iti plac.
3. Contacteaza bloggerii premiati de tine pentru a-i anunta ca au primit acest premiu.


I am very honored to announce you that I received the Best Blog Award!

I have been tagged by 2 bloggers, Liana and Mayra.

Thank you very much girls!

 The rules of the award tag are:

1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog, with the name of the person who has given you the award, and a link to their blog.

2. Pass the award on to approximately 10-15 blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great!

3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Premiul merge de la mine catre (ordinea e aleatorie):

This tag goes to (in no specific order): 

1. Parokeets  
2. Mae Espiritu
3. Liza
4. Contests and such
5. Painted Ladies
6. Cucumpear
7. Konaddict
8. Konadomania 
9. Jessica 
10. Tuli
11. Rachel 
12. Laura  

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