
Viva La Nails review - part 3

In this post I will show you how I applyed the Viva La Nails water decals on my nails.

First of all, choose the decals that you want to use and cut them away.

Take one decal with a tweezer and deep it in warm water for a few seconds, then keep it off the water, for a few seconds too.

Put the decal with the flower on the finger and move the paper away. Then, take the decal with the tweezer and apply it on your nail.

Add some small rhinestones in the middle of each flower and apply top coat.

And you're done! :)

6 comentarii:

  1. Very elegant - I haven't tried water decals yet.


  2. Oh that is neat!

    What color are you wearing on your nails btw? It is really pretty.

  3. Thank you girls!!

    Priscilla it's a nail polish from Coral, it's for preventing nails getting yellow. It doesn't have a number or a name on it.

  4. Hello. Am si eu o intrebare: imi poti spune de unde le-ai cumparat?
    Mersi mult.

  5. M-am lamurit cand am ajuns la pagina anterioara :))

    Foarte reusite modelele tale :) Felicitari
