
S-he Stylezone 427

Buna fetelor!

Cred ca aceasta este prima mea postare in care va arat unghiile mele doar date cu oja, fara niciun model. Dar imi place atat de mult oja asta incat trebuia sa vi-o arat si voua. V-am spus de ea aici, cand v-am aratat ce am primit de la KONADomania.
Este o culoare foarte frumoasa cu atat de multe reflexii in ea incat mi se pare ca nu merge cu niciun design facut nici macar pe o singura unghie, ar arata prea incarcat.
 Sper sa va placa si voua :)


Hello ladies!
I think this is my first blog post where I am showing you my nails just painted with nail polish and no design on them. But I love this nail polish so much that I just had to show you how it looks. I told you about it here, when I showed you what I received from KONADomania.
The color is so beautiful and it has so many reflexions in it that it seems to me it would be too much to add some design, even if it would be on just one nail.
I hope you'll like it too :)