
French manicure with simple design

Buna fetelor!

Va prezint azi o manichiura pe care am sters-o deja de pe unghiile mele, dar cum am fost foarte ocupata am cam ramas in urma cu postarile.
E vorba de o manichiura foarte simpla si eleganta, un French facut cu buretele si cu cate un mic design pe inelar si pe degetul mare.

Va las in compania pozelor si a tutorialului.
Multi pupici si o primavara minunata, asa ca voi! :*


Hello girls!
Today I am showing you a nail art design that I already removed from my nails, but being so busy lately made me stay behind with blog posting.
This is a very simple and elegant nail art design, a French manicure made with the sponge and a little design on the ring finger and thumb.

I am leaving you with the pics and the tutorial.
Lots of kisses and may all of you have a great spring, just like you are! :*