vreau sa va arat manichiura mea de Halloween. Da, stiu ca a trecut deja
Halloween-ul dar nu am apucat sa va arat. Eu nu am sarbatorit dar pentru ca
mi-am facut manichiura pe 30 octombrie am zis ca ar fi dragut sa fac ceva cat
de cat tematic :) Si asa au aparut pe unghiile mele doua pisicute negre, foarte
pacate nu am tutorial pentru aceasta manichiura pentru ca am facut-o seara
tarziu iar aparatul meu filmeaza de o calitate foarte proasta la lumina artificiala.
las cu pozele.
ati sarbatorit Halloween-ul? Ce manichiura/ machiaj/ costumatie ati avut?
doresc o zi superba!
Today I will
show you my Halloween manicure. Yes, I know Halloween is already gone but I didn’t
have the time to show you this. I didn’t celebrate this holiday but I made my manicure on October 30th and I
thought it would be nice to make something on the theme :) And this is how
these two beautiful black kittens appeared on my nails.
Unfortunately, I
don’t have a tutorial for this nail design because I made it late in the
evening and my camera is recording with a very bad quality in artificial light.
Here are the
Did you
celebrate Halloween? What manicure/ makeup/ costume did you wear?
Have a great