Salut fetelor!
Va prezint o noua manichiura cu floare 3d, deoarece de cand am ustensilele necesare abia reusesc sa mai fac si altfel de modele J
Mi se pare ca florile de genul asta arata foarte bine, sunt mai elegante.
De ce am ales sa fac flori? In primul rand pentru ca sunt mare fan al florilor pe unghii si in al doilea rand pentru ca abia astept sa vina primavara si vara. Sunt anotimpurile mele preferate pentru ca scap in sfarsit de hainele groase.
Pentru aceasta manichiura am ales un french alb, care va fi mereu o piesa de rezistenta a manichiurii unei femei. Este foarte elegant si merge la orice tinuta.
Unghia de la inelar am facut-o alba in totalitate si pe ea am facut floarea. Marea mea satisfactie la aceasta manichiura este ca am facut ambele flori direct pe unghie, desi cu mana stanga a durat putin mai mult.
Sper sa va placa, mai jos am postat si tutorialul.
Va pup!
Hello girls!
I present you a new 3d mani, because it’s pretty hard for me to make other designs since I have all i need to make 3d ones J
I think this kind of flowers look very good, they are more elegant than others.
Why did I choose to make flowers? First of all because I am a big fan of flowers on nails, second because I can’t wait for the spring and summer to come. They are my favourite seasons because I finally get rid of all those big clothes I wear in winter.
For this mani I chose a white French, which will always be a resistence piece of a woman’s manicure. It is very elegant and it suits every outfit.
The ring finger’s nail it’s all white because I made the 3d flower on it. My biggest satisfaction with this mani is that I made both 3d flowers directly on the nails, eventhough it took a bit longer to make it with my left hand.
I hope you’ll like it, I posted the tutorial too.