
Stylish Blogger Award


Am primit acest premiu de la Paulina (A Place For My Nail) si de la Gigi (Nail Crack)!
Va multumesc din suflet! Nu ma asteptam ca blogul meu sa fie considerat stylish :)
1. Multumeste si afiseaza link-ul persoanei care ti-a oferit premiul
2. Spune 7 lucruri despre tine
3. Ofera premiul la 15 persoane carora le urmaresti blogul
4. Contacteaza persoanele respective pentru a le spune ca le urmaresti blogul

Despre mine:
1. Sunt clujeanca si sunt mandra ca sunt ardeleanca :)
2. Sunt foarte pasionata de manichiura si machiaj
3. Lucrez in turism
4. Port ochelari de vedere de prin scoala generala
5. Imi place sa gatesc, in special sa prajituresc. Dar o fac in general cand nu e mama acasa pentru ca are obiceiul sa-si bage nasul in oalele mele :))
6. Sunt dependenta de internet
7. Imi place sa ma dau cu rolele, pacat ca nu prea am unde si cu cine :(

Ofer acest premiu tuturor celor care imi citesc blogul! 


I received this award from Paulina (A Place For My Nail) and Gigi (Nail Crack)!
Thank you so much! I didn't expect for my blog to be considered stylish :)

1. Thank and link the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers to tell them about this award.

About me:
1. I am from Cluj and proud to be from this region, Ardeal :)
2. I have a big passion for nail art and make up 
3. I work in tourism
4. I wear glasses since I was in junior high
5. I love to cook, especially to make cakes. But I generally cook when my mom is not home because she's trying to help me but the only thing she does is to disturb me :))
6. I am an Internet addict
7. I love rollerskating, unfortunately I don't really have a good place to do that and I have no skating partners :( 

I give this award to anyone who's reading my blog! 

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