
3D white flowers on pink manicure

Azi va prezint primele mele flori facute cu pudra acrilica! Modelul e de luna trecuta doar ca am uitat sa-l postez :) E facut inaintea celui cu omul de zapada.
Imi place foarte mult cum arata, mi se pare ca modelele in relief dau o nota aparte unghiutelor :) Inca mai am nevoie de muuuulta practica in ceea ce priveste aceasta tehnica, dar nimeni nu s-a nascut invatat ;). Singura problema ar fi mirosul aproape imposibil de suportat al lichidului acrilic :(

Mai jos aveti si tutorialul.
Va pup!


Today I am showing you my first 3d acrylic flowers! This design was made last month but I forgot to post it :)
It was made before the one with the snowman I had for Christmas.
I like it very much, it seems to me that 3d designs look special on nails :) I still need a lot of practice in this techinque but I have all the time to do that :). The only problem is the smell of the acrylic liquid, it's horrible :(

The tutorial is under the pictures.