
Tag 25 Questions


Cred ca ati observat ca nu prea postez tag-uri pe blog. Dar mi-am dat seama ca prin intermediul lor va pot ajuta sa ma cunoasteti mai bine.
Astfel, am preluat acest tag de la Laura, gandindu-ma ca raspunsurile la aceste intrebari va vor deschide o portita catre sufletul meu (ce poetica sunt in seara asta :D)

1. Ai vreun animal ? -Do u have a pet ?
Eu personal nu am, dar acasa la prietenul meu am animalutele mele de suflet: doi catei, dintre care unul pensionar si unul de cresa :)) Si tot acolo mai am si dou pisici si un motan :)
I don’t have pets at my home, but I have my dear pets at my boyfriend’s home: two dogs, an old one and a toddler :)) And I also have two cats and a tomcat.
2. Numeste 3 lucruri care se afla acum langa tine. -Name 3 things that are next to you right now.
Telefonul mobil, cana de ceai, telecomanda.
My mobile phone, the tea cup, the tv remote.
3. Cum e vremea de afara in momentul asta?-How is the weather outside in this moment?
E extrem de frig!!
Very cold!!
4. Conduci? - Do u drive?
Nu, nu am masina si nici carnet.
No, I don’t own a car or a driver’s license.
5. La ce ora te-ai trezit azi dimineata? -What hour did you get up this morning?
Pe la 9.30… Dar cine e acum (00.00) la munca? Eu L
About 9.30… But who’s at work right now (00.00)? Me.. L
6. Cand ai facut ultima oara dus?  -When was the last time you had a shower?
 In seara aceasta, inainte sa vin la munca.
Tonight, before I came to work.
7. Care a fost ultimul film pe care l-ai vizionat? -What was the last movie you saw?
Hmmm..  The Killer Elite – nu e pe gustul meu, dar dragostea cere sacrificii :))
Hmmm… The Killer Elitenot my taste, but love asks for sacrifices :))
8. Ce scrie in ultimul mesaj trimis? -What did u wrote on the last sms you sent?
“Sunt la Polus, in caz ca vine mama” :))))
“I am at Polus, in case mom comes home” :))))
9. Ce ton muzical ai la telefon? -What ringtone do you have on your phone?
Marc Anthony & Pitbull – Rain over me
10. Ai vizitat alta tara? -Did you visit other country?
Din pacate, inca nu L
Not yet, unfortunately. L
11. Iti place sushi? - Do you like sushi?
Nu am mancat inca, parca nu ma tenteaza.
I haven’t tried it yet and I don’t feel like I would.
12. De unde iti faci cumparaturile? -Where do you do your shopping?
Depinde ce fel de cumparaturi… De-ale casei de la Auchan de obicei. Pentru haine nu am preferinte deosebite.
It depends on the type of shopping… I go to Auchan for home stuff. I don’t have any preferences for clothing.
13. Iei medicamente ca sa poti sa dormi? -Do you take some kind of medicines that help you sleep?
 Nu, nu am luat niciodata. Bine, eu nu iau medicamente in general, de niciun fel.
No, I never did. Actually, I don’t take any medicines at all.
14. Cati frati ai? -How many brothers do u have?
Am o sora mai mare.
I have a bigger sister.
15. Ai laptop sau desktop? -Do you have laptop or desktop?
16. Cati ani o sa implinesti la urmatoarea aniversare? -How many years will you have at your next anniversary?
26. Aaaaa, pardon, 20 :))
26. Aaaaa, sorry, 20  :))
17. Porti lentile de contact? -Do you wear contact lents?
Nu, dar port ochelari tot timpul :)
No, but I am wearing glasses all the time :)
18. Iti vopsesti parul? -Do you dye your hair?
Nu. L-am vopsit o vreme dar acum nu-l mai vopsesc.
No. I used to dye it sometime, but I don’t do it anymore.
19. Povesteste-mi ceva ce vrei sa faci astazi. -Tell me something that you are planning on doing today.
As vrea sa imi fac manichiura.
I would like to make my manicure.
20. Cand ai plans ultima oara? -When was the last time you cried?
Acum vreo  doua saptamani, cand m-am uitat la filmul Seven Pounds.
About a couple of weeks ago, when I watched the movie Seven Pounds.
21. Care este topping-ul preferat de pizza? -What is your favourite pizza topping?
Sosul de rosii.
Tomato sauce.
22. Ce preferi hamburgerii sau cheesseburgerii? -What do you like most hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
23. Ai stat vreodata toata noaptea treaza? -Did you ever stay awake  a whole night?
Da, tot a patra noapte stau treaza, pentru ca muncesc.
Yes, I stay awake one night every four nights because I am working.
24. Ce culoare au ochii tai? -What color have your eyes?
 Caprui, fura inima oricui :D
25. Poti sa simti diferenta de gust dintre Pepsi si Coca Cola? -Can you feel the taste diffrence between Pepsi and Coca Cola?
Da, Pepsi mi se pare mai dulce. Oricum, dupa ce am fost dependenta de Coca Cola/Pepsi ani de zile, acum am reusit sa ma vindec :))
Yes, I think Pepsi is sweeter than Coca Cola. Anyway, I was addicted of Coca Cola/Pepsi for years, but I am cured now :))

Daca mai e cineva care nu l-a facut inca, il/o invit sa-l faca :)

Va doresc noapte buna si o zi minunata! 

13 comentarii:

  1. O sa il preiau eu :)

  2. Nice to know you a bit more!!! :):):)

  3. mi-a facut placere sa te cunosc mai bine..si mi-am dat seama ca avem cateva chestii in comun:D..te pup

  4. allesandra24 Ma bucur :) Asa o sa mai aflam cate ceva si despre tine :)

  5. @86dad3491db94bdf5f731bc61df0cffd Yes, this is the purpose of this tag :)

  6. Nu-mi vine sa cred!!! Chiar atat de tanara esti! De-as mai avea si eu 20 de ani... 8->:)) Pup

  7. @c2bbfda66553e3c4a373b611dc68ca97 mai citeste o data :)) fac 26 de ani, dar nu vreau sa recunosc si ma dau de 20 :))
