
Goodies from bornprettystore.com

Buna fetelor!

Astazi vreau sa va arat ce am mai primit de la bornprettystore.com.

E vorba despre doua degete-suport pentru practica si o oja mata. Demult imi doream degetele acestea pentru practica, mai ales cel caruia ii pot atasa o unghie falsa. Astfel pot exersa diverse modele fara sa fiu nevoita sa lucrez pe unghiile mele si apoi sa sterg cu dizolvant. Marele avantaj este ca pot face/ exersa  mai multe modele intr-o zi, cate am eu timp si chef :)

Oja este un gri inchis cu particule de sclipici care, dupa uscare, de vine mata. Imi place foarte mult, e prima mea oja mata.

Aceste produse, dar si altele, atat pentru manichiura, cat si pentru machiaj, le puteti comanda de pe site-ul www.bornprettystore.com

De asemenea, puteti beneficia de o reducere de 5% la comanda folosind codul CBCK31!

O zi frumoasa!


Hello girls,

I want to show you today what I recently got from bornprettystore.com.

I am talking about two practice-fingers and a matte nail polish. I wanted the practice-fingers for some time now, especially the one that I can attach a fake nail to. This way I can exercise different nail designs without having to paint my nails and erase them after. The biggest advantage is that I can make/ exercise many designs in one day, as many as I have time and mood to make :)

The nail polish is a dark grey with some glitter particles which becomes matte after it dries. I like it very much, it is my first matte nail polish.

These products, among others, for manicure or make up, can be ordered from www.bornprettystore.com.

Also, you will receive a 5% discount for your orders if you use this coupon code:  CBCK31!

Have a great day!

Disclaimer: I received these products to try them and write about them from www.bornprettystore.com

6 comentarii:

  1. Buna!!
    Da, e o chestie si cu degetelul asta, e super pt tutoriale. Eu ma tot sterg cu cea acetona:(! Cat despre oj...wow!ce culoare! Eu am luat una in genul acesteia, doar ca e mov si e de la Golden Rose(au scos astia de toate!). E interesant acel sclipicel si parca da bine asa mata! Pupiii!!

  2. Catallina Da, este foarte util :)

    Chiar am observat ca Golden Rose si-a diversificat foarte mult gama de oje.

  3. Nice practicing tools!! How does it works for U?

  4. @9de0a4751e386b7e3f94b640f1d7f41a I am very satisfied with them :)

  5. Nu se scrie dezlegat , adica " de vine " . Se scrie " devine " . Este verbul a deveni .
